Sunday, March 27, 2022


I finally got diagnosed with bpd on thursday.

been waiting for that for years. feel nothing.

I feel the same way I felt when I started self harming. like I’m not good enough to call it self harm.

it def became “good enough” though.

anyway, that’s the point. why am I suddenly thinking I’m not good enough or sick enough to have a thing that I’ve been told I’ve had for about 6 years now??

I felt stupid following bpd subreddits because I wasn’t diagnosed. but now I feel stupid for following because I don’t think I’m bad enough.

when I know I am. like it’s so conflicting.

yes. I can hold most of my impulses in. YES. SURE. OKAY. but it doesn’t mean that I don’t feel every fucking thing. and that I don’t want to hack my arm off over someone just acting a little bit different towards me. or that I don’t want to rip my stomach open to rid myself of the emptiness. or that I don’t want to bash my head against the wall and scream until my vocal chords explode.

it all hurts. or it feels like nothing. I feel the chaos building all the time. it’s scary because I know I’m about to implode.

not EXPLODE, because I’ve learnt how to stop the extreme impulses.

which means I’m not sick enough.

I’m just needy and pathetic and immature.



everything hurts and my mind keeps saying, “I want to go home.”

but I am home? if this isn’t home wtf am I wanting??

my brother isn’t doing well again.

found out he uses intravenously on my birthday back in august 🥲 who tf injects meth. who taught him that?? why did this happen to him?

he was also homeless for a bit and had people after him (maybe idk maybe it was paranoia).

he sought help and started school to be a mechanic. he was doing well. then this week I found out through mom he’s gone mia again. using again. doesn’t care again.

all of this hurts so much. I have my own problems that are making it hard for me to deal too but whenever shit like this is happening with my brother I fall to pieces.

idk what to do.

I just feel pain. I drink so I can numb. I’m lost.