Thursday, December 8, 2011

What the fuck is wrong with me?



131.3 this morning.

I thought I'd gain at least a pound by eating something, so I guess this is okay... But still. A gain is a gain.

I will be in the 120s soon though!

"Cross my heart and kiss my elbow!"

Had a nice chat with my mom last night. Told her again how worried I am about gaining all the weight back over Christmas. She said, "Oh Mint, you don't eat that much. What's a little extra over the holidays?"

I said, "Mom. You don't listen to me! You don't notice how much I can eat! We make all these goodies that I love so so much and I eat them. ALL! You and everyone else have maybe one or two. YOU GUYS THINK YOU'RE EATING IT ALL BUT YOU AREN'T EATING ANYTHING! It's me that eats it! All of it!"

She's like, "Oh, that can't be trueee..."

I'm like, "Remember who ate all the baklava last year? And the butter tarts? And then we got some more, right? WHO ATE ALL OF THAT? I did! Remember when our dog died and I told you I ate TWO pizzas and cake and cinna-sticks, and garlic bread? WELL I ACTUALLY DID."

She's like, "Really?! I thought... I thought you were over exaggerating..."

No, mom. I can actually eat three elephants in one sitting...

So, she said that she won't pressure me to eat anything. Her exact words actually were:

Just don't eat anything.

LOL so that's what I'll try to do :) I will have a little bit though, and I will gain... but knowing that I won't get in trouble for making so much food but not eating it will really help.

I hate food. It's a terrible drug...

Think thin!

♥, Mint.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011


Why is it that everyone on this planet is skinnier than me?




Meh. Not bad, especially since I barely left my desk yesterday.

Astronomy final later todaaaaaay, yaaaaaaay! Not.

Today I break my fast by eating that salad. Ugh, I don't want to. But I know I need some food. :/

THEN, after that it's a two day fast then another salad, and then a five day fast then a salad and then a one day fast and I'm home.

I will be in the 120's by then, oh yes I will!

Still super scared for the holidays though, food wise of course :/


Think thin!

♥, Mint.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011



-1 lb! Yaaaay! I'm right on track!

Fasting seriously is the best way to lose weight, I swear to god.

"hunger hurts, but starving works"

Last night I was laying in bed (because I can't sleep at all lately) and I was thinking about the salad I'm supposed to have tomorrow after my final.

I don't really want it anymore. Especially not the hard-boiled egg I was thinking of adding to it for "necessary protein". And because the juice I had yesterday picked me RIGHT up, I don't think I'll have the egg.


Anyway, I hope you're all doing well and reaching your goals :)

Think thin!

♥, Mint.

Monday, December 5, 2011



I'm 132.8 this morning! :D That's a new LW since making this blog!

I woke up feeling soooo crappy and sick and shaky and just not good, so I bought an orange juice.

Liquids are my friend...

I'm getting so so soooo close to the 120s! >.< I want it so bad!

I've been filling my brain with thinspo like crazy lately. I want to be beautiful, I want to be a model, a ballerina, I want to be loved and adored.

Ugh, I want too much, I'm such a cow...

Anyway, think thin lovelies!

♥, Mint.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

"The Dip"

I thought I had this because I was fat...

Does this mean. I'll never. Be pretty?



Hello my skinny bitches~

Today marks day four of my fast.

I know I started late (December first), but I'm doing it now and that's all that matters.

I've also decided to have a salad after each final (sorry but I need brain food), and then a salad on the 12th, 14th, and 16th before I go home, just so I don't balloon up so easily and so my mom doesn't think I'm dead lol.

Right now I'm at 134.4, yes, now you finally know my CW once again. I'm sorry T_T

I should be almost at 120 by now but shit happens I guess? :(

Why I'm excited though is that I'm FIVE pounds away from the 120s. ONLY FIVE. I'm so close again, I can taste it.

My goal before flying home is 128, Anne Hathaway's weight (we're the same height).

I know I'll gain over the holidays, but I'm freaking out because I really don't want to. I don't want food, I just want thin.

We'll see how it goes I goes...

Think thin!

♥, Mint.