Thursday, December 8, 2011


131.3 this morning.

I thought I'd gain at least a pound by eating something, so I guess this is okay... But still. A gain is a gain.

I will be in the 120s soon though!

"Cross my heart and kiss my elbow!"

Had a nice chat with my mom last night. Told her again how worried I am about gaining all the weight back over Christmas. She said, "Oh Mint, you don't eat that much. What's a little extra over the holidays?"

I said, "Mom. You don't listen to me! You don't notice how much I can eat! We make all these goodies that I love so so much and I eat them. ALL! You and everyone else have maybe one or two. YOU GUYS THINK YOU'RE EATING IT ALL BUT YOU AREN'T EATING ANYTHING! It's me that eats it! All of it!"

She's like, "Oh, that can't be trueee..."

I'm like, "Remember who ate all the baklava last year? And the butter tarts? And then we got some more, right? WHO ATE ALL OF THAT? I did! Remember when our dog died and I told you I ate TWO pizzas and cake and cinna-sticks, and garlic bread? WELL I ACTUALLY DID."

She's like, "Really?! I thought... I thought you were over exaggerating..."

No, mom. I can actually eat three elephants in one sitting...

So, she said that she won't pressure me to eat anything. Her exact words actually were:

Just don't eat anything.

LOL so that's what I'll try to do :) I will have a little bit though, and I will gain... but knowing that I won't get in trouble for making so much food but not eating it will really help.

I hate food. It's a terrible drug...

Think thin!

♥, Mint.

1 comment:

  1. Well-put. It always scares me, the dissonance between what people see and what's really true. Between what we see and what's really true, even (or especially?). Sorry her advice wasn't super-helpful... best of luck, though, it sounds like you're doing well!
