Friday, March 22, 2013

Six Things.

  1. I'm starting my adolescence development course (finally) and for one of the assignments I get to write an essay about eating disorders AND I'M SO EXCITED BECAUSE I'M GOING TO GET 100% IF IT KILLS ME.
  2. I finally worked out for the first time in forever and could feel my fucking ass bounce while I ran and it was the most disgusting thing ever and omg I can't believe how bad it's gotten and I can't believe how long it took to finally get me on the treadmill again.
  3. This week hasn't actually been too bad restriction wise. I fasted on Monday; Tuesday/Wednesday were alright; Thursday I had a chocolate bar (don't ask) and a salad, and since I worked out I feel like it was a win. Today I'll have an apple, bowl of soup, and probably some sort of salad again.
  4. I decided that I'm not going to buy diet pills anymore, which is a BIG deal since I've been taking them since I was like 14/15. The ones I buy (SlimQuick) are really just caffeine pills that are supposed to have the added benefit of being an appetite suppressant. It's funny because caffeine IS an appetite suppressant. Anyway, the main thing is I'm not going to buy them religiously anymore. Just on occasion, maybe. I'm just going to drink more coffee. It's more filling and a good laxative to boot (just saying).
  5. Last night when I was laying in bed my stomach was growling and it was like that good kind of growl where you're like proud of yourself and it's like a sigh of relief that, ahh, you don't need food. You know? It was nice.
  6. It's funny because the blog title was originally, "Two Things".

Think thin beauties! ♪



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