Friday, March 22, 2013

I can't really see right now.

I decided that an apple and a protein drink is enough for me today, I looked in the mirror when I got home from work and there's no way I'm allowed dinner.

ALSO, when I came home at changed out of my uniform I saw this dot on my leg (see photo below). It's really weird because four hours ago (when I changed into my uniform) there was nothing there.

It's also weird because it's RIGHT on the scar, and it bumps out a bit too. WHAT IS IT?

Also, for some reason I can't really see right now. Like, it feels like my eyes are crossed or something, and it's getting progressively worse (started like 1/2 hour ago) and now I can barely see. Thank god for autocorrect I guess because I can barely see the screen right now.

This happens to me sometimes and I have no idea what it is. One time it happened at work like 2 years ago and everything was basically black for like 10 minutes and it sucked because I was a cashier at the time and you sort of need to see when you're a cashier.

Anyway, somebody tell me what's wrong with me, THANKS.

- Mint.

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