Tuesday, March 4, 2014

T time.

Alright, so T.

First of all, he's not my type. He's blonde, and a hockey player. Not my type at all. At ALLL. I hateeeee blonde guys. And he likes country so there's that too.

BUT, Saturday night, when I met him. It was legit like just me and him the entire night. Talking about everything.

I have no idea what we were talking about, but we were!

And he's really nice, but not super soft and non-manly, you know?

Anyway, on Saturday he was talking to us about how you can get this app where you can get tonssss of free books if you use this code.

I was drunk, AND SNEAKY, because I was like, "Why don't you just text me this code? Because I'm not going to remember it." so I got his number and he got mine. Good job Mint, good job.

This night was interesting too because any other guy that I've had "wonderful connections" with lately, while drunk, have all just wanted to make out and have sex, and then I never hear from them again. But with T, he was just, really perfectly gentlemanly (like he bought me drinks, and paid for our cab, helped me with driving like I mentioned in the last post) AND in the morning our conversations were just as good!

And again, like I mentioned in the last post, he bought me a lighter because I left mine at Dill's and offered to give me one of his gatorades which is sweet as hell I think.

Later on before I went to work I texted him and asked whether or not it would be stupid to drive home with the weather being all bad and snowy because he just came from Alberta and knows the roads like I do.

He said that I probably shouldn't go because it'd be dangerous, "I'd like to see you again so take the bus!" he even said that if he heads back there sometime soon, he could drive me so that I don't even have to worry about the weather.

Like what the fuck, I've known him for a day and our conversations are just so casual.

Anyway, we've been texting non-stop like ever since.

Last night I went and saw a movie with Dill and he called her before the movie started to say that he accidentally left his keys at her place and was asking if he could go pick them up sometime tomorrow. But I was like, "I have to drive you back to your place after this Dill, why don't I just bring him his keys? He lives on the way to my place!"

Soooo I brought him his keys. He ran out to my car to get them and he actually stayed for awhile to talk. Asked me about the movie, asked what I was up to this week, mentioned that we should get lunch sometime soon.

AHHHH. It's scary because A) it's so casual right, just coffee, not a big deal at all, so I can't be like, "OH I HAVE A BOYFRIEND" "OH I'M NOT REALLY INTO YOU LIKE THAT" because it is so casual. B) I've never gone on any date like thing EVER. C) What if I run out of things to say? D) What if I make a fool of myself? E) What if he's boringgggg?

I was like whatever, WHATEVER, doesn't matter. We didn't set a day, it probably won't even happen.

Today when I first woke up I was telling him how tired I was and that leaving my bed to go make coffee is suchhhh hard work, and he was like, "I can bring you some coffee if you'd like!" obviously I lied and said that I already had my cup brewing, but thanks anyway.

Then he was like, "Ah, well maybe we could go out for coffee tonight or tomorrow! Have you ever had a London fog at this coffee shop?"

I told him that tomorrow would work better than tonight because I was watching the bachelor tonight (LUL) and that I didn't like London fogs but I lovedddd that shop's mint mochas. AND HE REPLIED WITH, "I'll get you a mint mocha tomorrow then! :) "


I was totally writing him off this afternoon though. I was like, "He's into hockey. He's too persistent. There must be something up with all this. He must be really lame or want something, or I don't know. I'm not interested."

But, then we kept talking tonight and I learnt so much about him omg. He loves old films, and he likes all sorts of music INCLUDING: jazz like OLD jazz. And like, FRANK SINATRA. He wants to go to school to be a psychologist to help children with depression or go for a trade to make lots of money and to work with his hands. He's not sure yet, "I'm just lost right now". He had a friend in high school who committed suicide and that triggered some pretty bad depression for himself, but he got through it he says. He buys meals for the homeless sometimes. HE LOVES OREGON. He loves to read, mostly biographies and like PLATO AND ARISTOTLE. He plays the drums and guitar and ahhhhhhhh he's interesting. Like, actually really, fuckinginteresting.

Which is odd. Because I'm usually the interesting one. Like, he thinks I'm interesting too, but… I usually don't think the guys that call me interesting are all that interesting.

So now… I don't fucking know man. He doesn't look amazing, he's like exactly my height… THESE THINGS ARE IMPORTANT TO ME.

Oh well, I guess I'll just have to try it out right? I guess that's why it's a fucking coffee date lmao to try this shit out.

It's so fucked though. This situation is fucked. I don't like it.

I'll never be able to have a boyfriend lol this is already much too stressful.

- Mint.

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