Saturday, December 15, 2012

This is the title, it is very informative indeed.

This last week has really sucked.

I broke my veganism (is that the right term?) and I guess I just didn't stop because I just have been eating and eating and eating...

I'm so tired too, and not thinking but thinking non-stop at the same time.

Earlier in the week I was being sorta reckless.

I was walking on the sidewalk and I knew I had to cross soon. I heard a truck speeding behind me and I just decided that I'd cross at that moment. It stopped obviously but it was really close. And I was sort of disappointed that it didn't keep going to be honest.

I've been driving really fast lately too. Not looking when I change lanes. Going through the lights before they've changed green. Not slowing down when I'm going around tight corners, down steep hills. It's icy. I should be careful.

The other night was terrible because I kept thinking of ways to end it. I was getting nervous, and quite frankly annoyed with my thoughts because I just wanted to sleep because sleep is always the better option.

I've been cutting too. Then ripping of the scabs to bleed some more.


School sucks. I don't know what to do about that. I'm about half a semester behind in everything.

People ask me, "Well why don't you do something else?" I don't do anything else because there's no possibility that would be remotely better.

I hate life. The only thing better than where I am right now is death. I want it so bad.

My mom's gone to Maui for a week, she drove to the city this afternoon and will fly out tomorrow morning. I was sort of disappointed when I found out that she made it safely to the city. If she was dead, then I would have no reason to stay here. Does that make me a terrible daughter?

My brother went missing again a few days ago. My parents were freaking out again. "It's cold outside! And he has no car! What if he freezes to death?" I would've been pissed if he had died. Because both children can't die, that would be rude... Anyway, it turns out he was at a dealer's house, spending all his money away.

Apparently he's going to rehab soon. Great.

This afternoon when my mom left, I ate everything in the house or spat on it, or just threw it out.

Tomorrow starts my week long juice fast. I better fucking stick to it. I better show some fucking strength.

When I first started binging this past week I was doing everything I could think of to stop it. I worked out, I drank waterwaterwater dietpopdietpopdietpop, punched my legs over and over, slapped my face multiple times and yeah. Still fucking binged.

Weak worthless waste of space.

I'm such a terrible person. I know I am. Wasting this life I have. Saying it's terrible when everyone has it so much worse. I know, I'm pathetic, but seriously.

When I heard about the Connecticut shooting I knew my heart should have dropped, I know I should have felt something, especially with Christmas coming up.

But nope.


- Mint.

1 comment:

  1. You are not worthless lovely, I love you so much and wish there was something I could do to help you. It doesn't make you a horrible daughter to think those things, you're really depressed and hurting, is there nowhere you could go for some extra support? Or don't you want itanymore and that's the issue now? Maybe have a safe food so if you really feel the need to eat while on the fast, you won't feel like you've failed if you eat it? Like just juice and safety item of apples or something, because you can't possibly have a high intake eating apples? Just a thought, I just want you to be okay. I really love you sweetheart and if there is anything I could do please just let me know? Amanda xxxxx
