Friday, February 8, 2013

My head's not where it was when I started this blog.


Lately I've been thinking of ending this blog.

My head's not where it was when I started it.

Not to say that I've changed and am new and improved or something, cause I'm not. It's just... I don't feel like writing anything.

Writing means thinking, and I definitely don't want to think, but here goes:

I've finally set the dates for my final exams. March 1st, 6th, 7th, and 8th. And remember that these are my finals from my first semester. MEANING, that I'm about a semester behind.


I really have to be more focussed. I still need to complete, 5 assignments before my finals, and study. Which means that I need to read the chapters, do the research, write notes, do the assignments, write more notes, read through notes while highlighting, and then study the highlighted information, oh yeah, and go to work too. Which means I've screwed myself over.

And then when I get the courses for my second semester, I need to work as fast as possible because I decided that I'm going back to Kelowna for next year. If I'm going back, I need to register for courses in the summer, and because some of the courses I'm taking through correspondents are prerequisites for courses I need to take next year, I need them completed by the time I register with Kelowna, meaning I fucked myself over even more.


The good thing about returning to Kelowna is that there is absolutely no way it can be as bad as last year because my mom is moving with me, which means I won't be totally isolated! Hurray!

The bad thing is that if I want to fast for a week or whatever, it's harder to get around. But I've done it before so there's really no negative.


She got herself transferred to a city that works out better for her like way more. Her boyfriend lives there, and she enjoys the work more so that's good. BUT THAT DOESN'T MEAN THAT I DON'T MISS THE FUCK OUT OF HER.

So far though I'm not feeling totally alone yet (it's been a week). I've been working, and schooling, so I'm pretty busy. BUT, the thing that's worrying me is when my mom goes to the city in a few weeks. She'll be gone for like three days, which isn't bad, but the last time she left me in this huge house (a couple weeks ago), I immediately became depressed and went to old habits. I realized that to stay sane, I need people around me all the time. Even though I hate people.

it's so weird.

I'll just have to be strong and focus on something else I guess.


I am fat. And I must do something about it.

I've gained too much weight in the last month which puts me even more behind than before. So I have to pull myself back in line.

I'm bringing back my Monday fast (which I secretly love, it's such a good idea on my part), fruit or coffee for breakfasts, and soup for lunches.

Everything else (super, snacks) is flexible as long as I'm not stupid about it.

Also, I'll make sure to exercise on days off only (so like three days a week, unless I have Monday off, I'll move my work out day to the day after). This way I won't crash, and hopefully it'll be easier for me to stick to.

And of course I'm planning a fast when my mom goes away.

If you made it through this entire post, congrats! It was long and boring as hell. I want to start posting again daily, so if it's late and you still haven't gotten a post out of me, could someone please, please, pleaseeee, harass me on tumblr or something? Thank youuu!



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