Friday, January 13, 2017

The Best Day Ever.

Today was literally bliss.

I had the best fucking day ever.

Yesterday rocked too so let's start there.

I managed to do everything that was on my list of scary shit!! I went for a walk around the block yesterday on my own (today too actually!), I phoned the tattoo place and the art teacher, and I went to meditation!

Meditation was weird because I thought it would be a guided meditation where they walk you through your mind, but this wasn't guided. The dude spent 5-minutes going through a relaxation exercise (stuff like, "Feel the energy from the earth flow into the base of your feet- they are now relaxed. Feel that energy flow into your calf muscles- relaxed.") and then told us to start meditating LOL THAT'S IT.

My head is without thought naturally, so thinking about nothing isn't a beneficial form of meditation for me. Instead, I spent the hour walking through this forest that I created in my mind during the two times I've done a guided meditation at home. It was weird to walk through that forest without being told where to go so it took a little bit to get into it. Because you're not supposed to consciously think; you're meditating. You have to allow your mind to bring you where it wants to go.

The wind led me to the top of this tree that over looked the ocean, so I just chilled there. It was nighttime, and the only thing in the sky was the full moon. I listened to the waves crash at the shore, and it was so peaceful and I was so happy.

I sung the bridge of "Honeymoon" by Lana Del Rey to the moon and it made me feel full. I even got a little teary IRL lol it's because I realized that I have the ability to make myself happy; I can be at peace on my own, and that I don't need anyone to complete me; I'm already whole.

So yeah, meditation for me was good! ♥︎

After that my mom and I went to the art gallery because I saw it there and it turns out admission is free on Thursdays! It was really enjoyable and a perfect way to end the evening!

Now on to today!!!

Based on the title, it was "The Best Day Ever". Mostly because I felt like it was an extension of yesterday. 'Cause if I think about it, not much happened lol I got the tattoo, had a drink at the pub attached to the bowling alley (hey B guess what! That one dude's dad still owns it because I saw him there. That bald but not ugly old bartender dude lolol), and watched La La Land.

But whatever! It was awesome!

The dude that did my tattoo was super sweet and super hot and talked to me waaaay more than the girl he was with before me LOL he had these big blue-green plugs and a hot beard and tattoos and a skater beanie and UGH, I fell in love a little bit.

I'll do another post tomorrow or something as to why this tattoo was so important to me and why I needed to get it done TODAY. I'd include it here but fuck, this post would be just WAY too long.

Next is La La Land.


I have NEVER in my ENTIRE LIFE felt so much. Like SO much emotion. It was insane.

The reason I told my mom that we had to watch this movie was because I've got this friend named K, who works in the film industry (he's actually working on this TV show that's actually being aired right now- isn't that crazy?) and him and I appreciate the same shit. Like lighting, and cinematography, and all the little details; THEY ARE VERY IMPORTANT.

He watched this movie last week and he said that it made him CRY. Not because it was sad, but because it was just SO amazing. So obviously I forced my mom into going with me.

The way they made use of silence and shadow was so good. The way they captured the LA lighting at every time of day, every part of the year, was PERFECT. The acting was HOLY SHIT AMAZE. The music was beautiful. The sets were gorgeous. The camera work was more than clever.

Like, every single frame in this film was put together SO cautiously, and with SO much tenderness. But it was so unapologetic at the same time. Does that make sense?

From start to finish I was in love. It was LA! It was the dreamer's LA, every aspect of it.

It was art. And it's rare to get something with this much thought/effort/emotion put into mainstream media; sometimes it's risky because not everyone will appreciate it.

People in the theatre actually clapped when it was finished. I was speechless and couldn't move because of all the emotion it gave me.

I didn't even know what I was feeling! It was just everything to a point of excess!

Fuck. It was so good.

I'm exhausted from appreciating something so fully lol

If you have some money, go watch it. It needs to be watched in a theatre. And if you have a loved one, please bring them. It'll just add to the experience I swear.



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