Saturday, January 28, 2012

There's too many eyes in this post...

I hate today. And I hated yesterday, and there's a very good chance that I'll hate tomorrow, and the next day and the next...

I really don't think I was meant for this life thing.

The more time goes by, the more I regret not doing anything with it, and the more I miss the moment that just passed. My heels are dug deep in the dirt, fighting against the constant push of moving forward.

I don't want to "be". you know?

All I want to do is curl up into a tiny ball and disappear. Or just sleep, forever.

Oh God, how I hate this Earth...


  1. You may hate yesterday, today and tomorrow but the day after tomorrow will surprise you :3

  2. i love you. did i have you on facebook before? if you want somewhere to outburst about hating the world i'll always read and reply, you are a sweetie. just search amaris starshine and you'll find me as a person on facebook. im in hiding from my parents and other people which is why i have this new account. add me if you want, but if you don't want to, that is fine too xxxxxx
