Monday, August 27, 2012



Today's going good and yesterday was good too! I ate what I was supposed to eat and I worked out last night and this morning too.

I'm not taking my diet pills, but I'm having three espresso shots instead! Two in the morning and one at night. It works because it wakes me up, gives me energy, suppresses my appetite, and doesn't leave me as jittery. I think I'll just stick with that for now.

A girl at work saw the scars on my arm yesterday when I had my sweater off (because I needed to take off my apron). I was showing her where the oven cleaner devoured my skin (more on my hand than my arm).

"Was that from the oven cleaner too?"



And then she just moved to another conversation lol I'm glad she didn't ask more about it, because I can't lie now a days...

Anywaaaay, I can't think of anything else to write about right now, so I guess I'll be off.

Think thin ladies!




  1. Oh gosh I hate those moments. My arms and legs are totally covered, and once i thought i was alone in the cafe kitchen washing up, so i rolled up my sleeves, only to quickly roll them down and soak them in the water when i heard someone coming... and got a very funny look from the other waitress with my soaking wet sleeves.

    im glad you are feeling a little better with this bout of restriction, keep going you can and i know it :-) xxx

  2. I'm glad you're doing so well at the moment, well done.

    I hate when people notice the cuts and you don't even care enough to think up bullshit excuses. I'm glad she didn't try to interfere, there's nothing worse than people getting involved, but I hope you're okay.
    Take care.
