Tuesday, June 17, 2014


I took a deep breath today.

I'm not a mature person, never have, never wanted to. Ever since I turned 6 I was over life, and dreaded growing older every day.

I don't know if this is why my life is in such shambles right now, but I think it could be a very strong variable that I should be aware of.

The bitch that is moving into my apartment down in Kelowna while I'm in Hinton/Edmonton is the same girl that he-who-shall-not-be-named apparently cheated on me with.

After our finale, I wanted soooo badly to ruin their lives. I was going to get my keys back from the bitch and wait until she was in Ktown to tell her that she had no place to live. I was going to tell Dick's (that's going to be his name. Dick. Short for "mother fucking ass wipe of a dick") brother's wife or whatever she is, that the two of them are dealers. I was going to make it a mission to ruin both of their lives. People don't fuck with me.

But I started thinking that shit, maybe that's mean. Shit, maybe that's high school. Shit, maybe I'm going down to their level.

In classic Mint fashion, I had argued both sides to the point where I had no idea what to do. My heart speaks first, my head listens and analyzes and then god fucking damn, my head tells my heart it's thoughts and then my heart has no idea what to do.

I asked my mom, I asked B, and they both said to do whatever. SUCH HELP, THANKZ.

But honestly, asking for someone's opinion can only do so much. In the end, the decision is yours to make.

So I do what I do best and followed my intuition (that always works for me). I looked at the time, 1:48, and thought, "Okay, by the time I get my laptop out, and tumblr up, it'll be 1:50. I'll scroll through my dash for exactly 10 minutes, and then I'll make the decision."

I prayed for a sign and began scrolling. At exactly 2, I saw the photo above. And it spoke to me.

(P.S yes I know I'm crazy because this is ridiculous sounding, the whole situation, I KNOW, SORRY.)

I thought, "Shit! This is growing up. Accepting reality, moving on, not lingering. JUZT KEEP SWIMMIN', YOU KNOW? It's hard, but that's life, real life.

"Taking steps is easy, standing still is hard"

The revenge I was planning didn't even have any real benefit to me. What has happened has happened, I can't change that. Not allowing money to come in just because she could or could not be a slut makes no sense. It's not like when I steal money from douchebags who talk shit about me or my friends. Like, THAT'S different, I get something physical from that lmao

So yeah, revenge is off. And plus, it'll be good to have her out of this town when I'm still here right? Peace of mind? I think so.

Anyway, just wanted to let you know about my little mature victory.

- Mint.

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