Sunday, October 30, 2011

Good Day Was Good.


240 cal todaaaaaay.

I had a bowl of soup (90 cal), and some graham cracker cookies (the were in the shape of Winnie the Pooh characters, so cute...)

I went to Wal-Mart with my friend today. Bought yogurt, salad dressing (no more fatty caff shit!), oatmeal (110 per packet), crystal light, and cup-a-soup packets (50 cal per packet).

I also needed more diet pills... It was awkward lol let's call my friend, Ami.

ME: Kay Ami, I need to buy something and you can't judge me for it okay?

AMI: Haha okay...

*I move the cart to the diet pill isle. My normal pills (Slimquick- regular) aren't there. I have a mini spazz attack because that's just what happens when things go as planned... but I eventually just pick up the caffeine free version of my regular pills. In the mean-time Ami is looking very uncomfortable and unhappy.*


AMI: I hate weight-loss products...

ME: You mean the effects, or the actual idea of them?

AMI: Them in general. They're not good...

ME (not wanting to get in this argument): Well I like them because they make me awake and stops my stomach growling so much in class... Plus these are just for women, and are green tea filled and healthy, *BLAHBLAHBLAH CHANGES SUBJECT*

No one's ever said anything bad about me buying diet pills before. It was weird, and I hated how awkward she made it... She wouldn't understand why I actually use them. And why I need them.
Later she was talking about how people who starve themselves are so judgemental and vain. She's obviously not met anyone with a real ED before... I wanted to tell her why people really starve themselves and that they really don't care about other people's weight, and even weight in general.
I wanted to set her straight! But... That would probably beeeeee, bad. lol.

Anyway, today was pretty good.
Hope yours was/is/will be good too!

♥, Mint.

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