Friday, October 14, 2011

The Plan Where I Actually Don't Fail.

"Your body's your temple, put something good into it."

Why the fuck have I been filling myself up with fat, carbs, and sugar? Is nothing sacred? Do I have no respect for myself?

Apparently so.

I've been giving into emotional cues. "WAH, I'm sad. Give me sugar to make me feel better." "YAY I DID GOOD. Give me fat as a reward!" "OMG I'M ANXIOUS. Give me carbs to relive the stress!"

I'm a fucking baby with no boundaries. Well I'm taking a stand, no more baby. Only foods of purity will pass these lips. I'll be aware that it's nourishment, not companionship. I'll be conscious of my decisions. I will be in control.

Ana is pure, clean, innocent. She's everything that's right in this world. So here it is, the food plan of the gods:

  • breakfast- yogurt pot, 35 cal
  • lunch- small apple, or some carrots with NO dip, 50 cal
  • supper- salad with low-fat or vinegar dressing and hard boiled egg (ON OCCASION), or roll of sushi, 136-165
  • snack- idk something small LOL (optional), 50 cal at MOST.

That's exactly 300 calories if I have the max. dinner allowance and the optional snack. I didn't even plan that! :)

Sunday's I want to make my fast day, kinda clean out the system you know? Good way to start the week.

"Your body is you temple..."

I need to remember that cookies are terribly dangerous, they have lots of chocolate PUS added carbs, sugar, and fat, from the cookie part.
I need to remember that bread is the devil, it just balls up in your stomach and makes you slow and sluggish, same with pasta.
I need to remember that no, m&ms aren't necessary for studying, even if they are a "university student staple".
Food is necessary so that I don't yo-yo back and forth between fat and obese.
I need to be conscious while eating.

I'm excited :) a new diet plan with actual food! And it's within my ideal calorie budget!

Let's hope it works.

Think thin you lovely sunshines! ♪

♥, Mint.

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