Sunday, February 19, 2017

J is a romantic rolla coasta, he don't do anything he's suppos'ta.

Oh another thing I want to mention was that the other day mom and I went and did the EXACT same hike that I did with my old roomie 3 years ago.

You know, the hike that inspired THIS gorgeous post.

I just reread it and it still makes me laugh really hard; I'm hilarious.

Anyway, we pull up to this fucking BITCH of a mountain, get out and hike up the first little bitch of a mountain required to get to the ACTUAL fucking bitch of a mountain.

I swear to god I was having war flashbacks. I've never been so afraid of a rock before.

This time around though, it wasn't +99 degree celsius, which was the first positive of it all!

However, this is February, and this is Canada. So there's this thing called ICE.

Want to know some things that don't go well together? Mint and hikes. Mint and ice. Mint and mountains. Mountains and ice. Hikes and ice. Mint going up an icy fucking mountain.

Why did I let my mother bring me here? WHY, PRAY TELL DID I THINK THIS WOULD BE FINE???

In all honesty though, it wasn't that bad hahaha still steep as FUCK, and really scary to walk up due to all the slippery ice, but not that bad.

We even found out that there's a SERVICE ROAD one could walk up/down. Said service road is at a lovely NORMAL PERSON angle, and had literally ZERO ice on it. Why did no one fucking tell me about this beautiful fact???? HMMM?????

But yes, all in all, not a traumatizing experience. I'm sorry for the disappointment hahaha

I just got home from a walk with mom actually. It was waaaay worse than the mountain. It was flat ground, but alllllllllll ice. It was like a curling rink or some shit. It was a terrible hour.

The worst part was that at the beginning of the walk I got all dizzy and dissociative again! LIKE WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK IS THIS? THIS IS VERY ANNOYING.

One should not be tripping when one is sober. It's not fair or fun. I think I'm going to the walk-in clinic on Tuesday to get checked out. Maybe I'm dying, that'd be cool. Maybe I'll get some fun pills, that'd be cooler honestly. When did I fall in love with pills? I have no idea.

It's around 6:00pm now and I've been paying attention to my moods throughout the day. And I gotta say it's fucked.

I wake up, depressed. Get coffee, feeling good. Find out Lana released an album and feels GREAT. Goes for short walk with mom, gets INSANELY depressed again (close to last night kinda low). Gets home, reads old post, feels happy again. Writes this post, feels melancholy.

Is it normal to have a roller coaster of emotions? Like a fast loop-di-loop one?

My head is still really spacey from earlier, and I'm exhausted from the episode as well. *sigh* I'm so hopeless and pathetic.

Now I'm depressed again.

- Mint.

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