Monday, February 27, 2017

Wellbutrin + Cipralex.

Okay so I think I'm going to have to come off of my pills...

I've been on Wellbutrin for a year now and loveeeeeee it. It made me lose a SHIT TON of weight, it gives me energy, and makes it easier to get out of a depression period.

However, it's always given me mad anxiety and it's been getting progressively worse; like paranoia, and jumping at the slightest of sounds. It's also the culprit of the dissociation stuff, and makes me dizzy constantly.

What I didn't notice though was that it's also making me fucking old. OLD!!!

I thought it was stress wearing my face down but yesterday I was like, "Wait, ALL my skin is feeling loose and thin and saggy and OMG WTF."

So I googled it and yeah, antidepressants can make you look SEVEN YEARS OLDER. For someone who is extremely concerned about being 23, looking 30 IS NOT VERY HELPFUL WITH THE WHOLE, "NOT WANTING TO KILL MYSELF" DILEMMA I FACE ON THE DAILY.

Since Wellbutrin is used as a way to quit smoking I can kindaaaaa see how it could make your face look like it's smoked a pack a day for 30 years. It travels the same way nicotine travels and it has the same effects.

I don't want to go into the science of it because I'd have to google it all over again to get the right terms, but just know, it's legit.

THE WORST PART though is that I can't find anything ANYWHERE saying whether or not my skin will go back to normal after quitting these mother fuckers.

I'm afraid to quit them because I know I'll gain weight, and I reallllllllly don't want to gain weight AND have the face of a 30 year old, nuh-uh.

Another reason for needing to quit Wellbutrin is that the anxiety (like I said) is becoming out of control. I went to the doctor's last Tuesday though, and he gave me Cipralex to take the edge off (which it's definitely doing), BUUUUT I googled it and it makes a lot of people gain weight. Also, the withdrawal symptoms for SSRIs are super harsh apparently, and with some people they can last YEARS.

I don't want that either, nuh-uh nuh-uh.

I'm freaking outtttttt. I'd like to have my head back to normal, but I don't want weight gain, and I'm afraid that I've fucked up my skin forever. Does anyone know anything about this? I know the skin thing is a pretty rare side effect but pah-leaseeeee share any intel you have!



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