Thursday, October 18, 2012

Walking in a fog.

So I have no idea where the last couple of days have gone.

Actually, now that I think about it, I don't really know when happened to the last week...

I know I've been working out, I know I've been living off liquids, and I know that I've been doing well in school. But, I have no idea what's been going on in my head.

It's quiet up there.

Today I got really dizzy while sitting down. Little black dots everywhere.

So I ate.

I had a lot of saltines, but I'm still exhausted, and now just super full. I still stuck to my under 500 calorie limit though, so that's good.

I'm trying to listen to my body to avoid real binges (hence the crackers- carb craving).

Also, I'm trying not to pay attention to the days so that I don't make myself believe that I deserve a break.

I'm doing well so far, I think.

My mom keeps bugging me about all the food I'm apparently eating. But I'm not eating it, she must secretly think that I'm a greedy pig.

Anyway, Nina,

I'm going to weigh myself when I can easily fit into my old pants again. They fit right now, but not perfectly. I decided to weigh myself then because I will know that I'm just regular fat, not obese fat. You know? Also, when I weigh myself, I become dangerously addicted to it (weigh myself like every half hour when I'm home) so I want to be more okay with the number not going down when I decide to weigh myself frequently throughout the day again.
And YES I'm dizzy so often! A glass of orange juice here and there is helpful for me though! Plusss I read on tumblr that when you start feeling dizzy from fasting, you're burning fat. So I'm super okay with it.
Lately, I've been at about 300 calories a day (probably less). I've been having mostly tea (peppermint) and then a bowl of soup for dinner, maybe a glass of juice if it's there. So maybe more like 200? I don't know. 300 is probably safer to say lol plus it keeps me more humble. How are you??

I'm going to go to sleep now... absolutely no food allowed tomorrow.

Think thin!



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