Thursday, November 28, 2013

Kay here's an actual legit blog post that won't suddenly turn into a poem.

The thing is,

I really wonder what would happen if I went into like, a fine arts program.

I'm not talented in art at all, like I can draw things, but it's HARD and painting is fucking difficult as fuck.

But lately my arms have been craving strokes, wide meaningful strokes.

My eyes are craving colour, and my mind is craving detail and freedom.

What would happen if I went to school solely to be creative?

How much would I grow? Like seriously.

I remember looking at my art work from grade 11 to grade 12 and seeming an immensely huge improvement.

Even my writing skills. I'll compare a poem I thought was good from last month, and one I felt was just as good from this month and think, "FUCK, this one is crap! But this one is AMAZINGGGG! I'm so AWESOMEEEEEEE"


What would happen?

I feel a talk with my mom popping up again...

Oh and my psychology courses from this semester? I've seriously dug my heels so hard into the ground on those ones. I physically can NOT continue.

My mind is a magician and I live in the clouds, and no one gets itttttttttttttttt.

- Mint.

1 comment:

  1. I love this so much!

    I was an Elementary Education major for three years in college. Then, my senior year, at the very last minute, I switched to Graphic Design. With no experience. No idea what I was getting myself in to. I just knew I had to create. It was in my bones.

    I've never regretted it. :)
