Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Things and Junk.

I ended up completing my 3 day fast and now I am homeeee.

My dad ended up picking me up from the airport and hanging out with me for the day, and then I stayed with my mom and her friends that night, read my book while they went and saw their play, and drove home with them too.

It's so boring here though omg I miss my car so much. I'm literally STRANDED.

I ate sorta kinda bad for the first day of being back home, but not as bad as I normally eat when I come home. When I normally come home I eat EVERYTHING, like at once. And my stomach gets so big and round and I can't move and I feel disgusting but I eat more anyway because I am disgusting.

BUT! Mom was complaining about how she's fat so I suggested a three day detox just to help clean things out before Christmas comes and things get out of hand.

She was totally down, so that's what I did yesterday, today, and will do tomorrow.

It's a good idea for me because it helps me not get overwhelmed with all the food in the house because back home in Kelowna, I have no food so there's no reason to binge. Being around food, and not eating it for even just a couple days will help IMMENSELY.

So yesterday I had some olives, a spinach salad with like no dressing, and vegetable soup.

Today I've had nothing so far, and will have vegetable soup again for dinner. And tomorrow will probably be the same.

I'm going to try REALLY FUCKING HARD this Christmas not to overeat because I want to be in the 130's for the new year! I'M SO FUCKING CLOSE.

So I'm smoking to keep my metabolism up and because I normally have a few smokes in the day anyway, skipping breakfast because I don't even eat breakfast normally, trying to skip lunch or just have a light lunch, planning to have light dinners as well, and trying to get some exercise in.

I went for a walk with mom yesterday, am going to the mall with my brother tomorrow, and next week I'm going skating with the fam jam so that counts right!? More than I usually do...

ALSO, the week before new years, I'm going to do another detox to make sure I reach my goal!


Know how I talk about how I only write because there's shit that pops in my head and the only way to get it out is to write it down? Well lately that's been happening with painting ideas.

So for my Christmas presents to like, everyone basically, I'm painting them something. And I've got some stellar ideas. ANDDDDD IF I END UP TAKING FINE ARTS IT'S GOING TO BE GOOD TO ADD TO MY PORTFOLIOOOO.

Yes, I've decided that I'm totally quitting psychology and am going to pursue writing, and just art in general. But the thing is, to get into writing courses you need to apply with a portfolio in January to get into September classes (usually). So I might end up taking a semester off.

In that semester I'm obviously going to work full time and I'm thinking that I could get my job back at the clothing store, get another job at a coffee shop (because I think that'd be fun), and then another job at night as a waitress.


Plus, having so many jobs and running around all the time as a waitress would really pay off weight wise. I wanna be skinny in summer and wear cute summer frocks and be all happy and skinny and ahhhhh!

My brother decided that he's moving to like, Burnaby this May and I'm so excited/jealous for him! He's turning a new leaf, finally getting out of the mess that is his life here, and he's actually going to start living! I'm so excited! AND SOOOO JEALOUS!

I want to move to the ocean so bad omg. Like, that's where I've wanted to live ever since we left when I was little! If I were to move to a city down there I'd definitely move to Victoria because there's less of an asian invasion down there LOL call me racist, I don't care. I just don't like feeling like a minority, alright?

Ugh, but I'll be stuck in Kelowna for at least another year because of my mom BUYING THAT STUPID APARTMENT. Whatever, whatever, it'll be fine. I'll get there eventually...

I think that's all I have to write right now! Yup yup!



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