Monday, January 6, 2014

Mint Advice.

I just made an advice blog and would love for you all to follow and ask any and all questions that you may be needing advice on!! It'd be much appreciated! ♥

Today was a better day than the last time I posted. Even though I accomplished basically nothing.

I woke up at 9:45 (early for me), made myself a coffee, showered, and got ready for the day.

I picked up my phone charger that I left at my friend's house (I went out on Saturday and it was actually funnnn!), took a deep breath, and drove myself to this little cake shop I applied to via email.

The owner replied to my email a few days ago saying that they weren't hiring until early spring, but that she would keep my resume on file and asked if I could bring my portfolio in for her to look at. I tried to find her shop the day I received her reply, but I got too lost and anxious and eventually just gave up before finding it.

BUT, today, I found it!! Except it was closed… goddamn it. So I'm going back tomorrow and it will be good.

I also dropped off my resume at the IGA across my street so maybe I'll hear back from them!!

Another thing, my boring friend (I really need to give her a better name) told one of the sister's in the sorority about how I'm maybe kinda sorta trying to pursue a career in writing and maybe kinda sorta thought it'd be cool to write an advice column, and I guess she said she could hook me up because she works with the paper! So I facebooked the girl telling her about what I'd like to offer the paper and yeah! That'd be sooooo fucking sweet I can't imagine.

That's actually one of the reasons why I made the advice blog! I'd definitely keep with the pseudonym, Mint, so I thought that the column could be called "Mint Advice"! "Mint" as in fresh, as in a fresh way of looking at things. YOU KNOW!?!?! And then I thought that if I got that column, for social media reasons, I could eventually have a Facebook page/my tumblr page for extra Q&A's that the paper didn't have room to publish AND THEN I'D BASICALLY BE A YOUTUBER BUT WITH THE PAPER BEING MY MAIN CHANNEL INSTEAD AND THEN I'D BE FAMOUS AND HAVE A BOOK MADE OUT OF MY HIGHLIGHTS AND THEN A SITCOM MADE BASED ON THAT AND THEN IT COULD BE CALLED, "MINT IN THE CITY" OR SOMETHING IDK. SARAH-JESSICA PARKER COULD PLAY ME I'M THINKIN'.

Tomorrow after I drop off my portfolio I'm going to apply to two shops in the mall. One, I'm applying for a key holder and/or visual merchandiser position (I'd rather the visual merch. position because it'd be more fun/creative) and two, I'm applying for an overnight merchandiser position which would be sweet because NO PEOPLE.

OH! Last thing! There's a market place here where I'm living and I thought that it'd be fucking BOMB to have a table and sell cakes and cupcakes and shit and then have people be able to order specialty cakes from me! Wouldn't that be cool!? It'd be like having a bakery without having one! And my mom says that if you're only selling at a market then you don't need to have your kitchen all inspected and stuff, you just pay 60 bucks for this little badge or something? I don't know but YEAH! I'd have to get my mom to help me figure out how to price everything and stuff but I think that'd be so cool! I'd rather just share a table with someone else until I got the swing of managing my own table, so yes, this is something I will have to look into.

Anyway, that's what I'm up to! Unfortunately I've only written one angry poem (that I haven't published) since I got back, and haven't painted anything. So much for starting the year off creatively…

Oh well, I'll get there!

- Mint.

1 comment:

  1. Absolutely loved this post. So many positive vibes!! Glad to hear everything is coming together for you - that column sounds amazing!
    Love you always,
    Emily xxx
