Thursday, January 30, 2014

2nd post of the nightttt.

"Don't ever tell anybody anything. If you do, you start missing everybody."

I don't understand people. I don't understand how, once they've put some alcohol into their systems, they open up. I don't understand how people can't do that just in general. I don't understand their walls. Especially after you've opened up to someone whilst drunk. How can you suddenly close your doors once the sun sobers your thoughts?

I don't get it, and it's frustrating.

I'm the type of person who meets someone, decides immediately whether or not they like them, and decides immediately whether or not they want to share their entire lives with them. I don't get people who don't do that.

What's with this whole, "building a relationship" thing? If you sit down like, "Yeah let's maybe be friends, I don't know, something bad could happen, let's stretch this out and move forward as slowly as possible." What's with that? It's like saying nothing's going to happen before the happening even has a chance!

When I meet someone, I feel like I can see exactly who they are. And if I like who they are, I get so fucking excited. Visions of the future race through my head. Summer road trips, lazy afternoons, walks, and adventure. But that's just not how most people work! I'm learning this. And I won't let it catch me off guard again.

Most people are good, I know that. But not everyone wants to share it, I'm learning that.

I'm making a rule for drunk Mint to follow, so that her poor heart doesn't get squished by these dicks that roam the earth.

"You're so interesting!"
Too bad people have a short fucking attention span.

The rule is this: If you meet someone who seems to follow the same vibes as you, someone who you want to befriend and see the world with, just fucking be real, just fucking ask them, "Do you want to be friends? No, legit friends. Like, can I call you tomorrow, can we do something? What are you doing tomorrow? Don't be polite here, look through the fuzziness, can we be friends?"

Because if they say yes, then you have a friend! BUT, if they back out, then fuck themmmm because their core is filled with utter shit. You know? You feeeeeeel?

I hate politeness. Absolutely hate it. It's so fake, there's nothing polite about it. What's polite about being sweet and kind and friendly one day, just to turn around and be a complete asshole the next? NOTHING.

I'd rather have someone be all up in my face, rude as fuck, than have them turn up a fake ass smile.

So drunken Mint, there you are. Don't make the same mistake anymore, don't trust everyone's openness, it's clouded with liquid truth, painted with hazy confidence.

- Mint.

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