Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Day 1 of finals, COMPLETE!

I'm so fucking lucky it's insaneeeee.

After my last post I decided to just go to bed because I was just too sad and didn't want to do anything.

My original plan was to sleep until 4, and then to wake up and continue working on my French course until my final at 9.

INSTEAD, I slept until 8 and basically got no studying done.

But want to know what happened when I got down there!? Turns out that you have 10 days to write your exam from the date it was originally booked! So I've decided to write my French final later.

And the test I was supposed to write yesterday but couldn't? The lady who I called to book my final forgot that they were closed yesterday SO IT WASN'T MY FAULT.

I ended up writing that final today and it was 50 multiple choice, with 5 long answer questions that were 5 marks each.

Multiple choice was fucking easy peasy! But when I looked at the long answers, I only knew the answers to two of the questions. The other three I had no idea whatsoever what they were even talking about really. Down 15 points :(

I was going to leave them blank but I just didn't want to admit defeat! So I just started bullshitting all of the answers when I started realizing that my answers were right actually!

It's like, as soon as I started writing, the answers all popped into my head!

After the final I checked in my text book to make sure that I was right and BOOOM I SO WAS WITH EVERY SINGLE ONE.

That shit doesn't just happen to people! It was awesome!

Lucky lucky lucky duck~! ♥

- Mint

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