Monday, July 15, 2013

Maybe I wasn't destined for greatness. Maybe I wasn't destined for anything.

Update on food because I forgot that this is supposed to be a blog focused on food really:

  • I've been eating about 130 calories on the weekdays (just eating dinner)
  • About 210-300 calories on the weekend (same dinner, but either an egg with spinach or a 1 egg, egg spread for lunch)
  • I've slipped up a couple times, but it only consisted of more vegetables than I was planning, or once when I went out for dinner and ate the side of garlic bread, so no real binges which is amazing in my eyes because I always binge

I've been doing that for about 2 weeks now (after I got back from Kelowna) and I think at least a week before Kelowna.

I saw a lot of progress last week (I'm still not weighing myself), but the weekend was a stand still which freaked me out. But I have to remember that it's been only two days.

Yesterday I was freaking out about my career path, and if university is really for me. I'm so pathetic and lazy, and anti-social with new people; it seems like I should just work in a library for my entire life or something. I wish I had a real passion, or enough creativity to actually amount to something. I wish I was inspired and had a reachable goal ahead of me.

I really don't want to go back to Kelowna, away from my friends and mom once more. It's sad because it's not like being home is having everything back to normal anyway. Everyone has a future, and places to be, people to see; they're doing things, literally going places.

Everybody moves on with their lives after high school, and I feel like I missed the train. I'm stuck in the same old mindset, but things keep changing, and as each day goes by I become more and more lost in this labyrinth of life. The hedges are growing up, and the sun is quickly setting.

I wish I could be a writer; stay home all day, and think of deep poetic thoughts and situations. BUT I HAVE NO IDEAS FOR ANYTHING EVER. Plus I don't even read.

I should read more.

When I was little I used to write stories! My grade 6 teacher wanted to get one of my stories published even! "The Christmas that Almost Wasn't"

Also, when I was little one of my favourite things to do was to roleplay in the neopets chat board! Writing detailed descriptions, working together to build a story.

That was fun. I should be a writer.

- Mint.

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