Thursday, September 8, 2011

Lovin' Lyfe.


Today was awesome, again.
and sunny, again. loll

Psych was great, the teacher is awesome, I'm stoked to do the research assignment, and yeah. I. LOVE. IT.

Sociology was okay. LOL. But honestly, it's sociology... it can never be that great. I'm scared of that class though because it can get boring during those sorts of lectures so I'll have to keep focus!

Creative writing was good! Everyone in my class though is soooo good at writing! I feel so stupid in there! >.< I'll have to read more I guess, so I can have a broader vocabulary!

OH, and I read 20 pages of pronoun/verb rules for my writing course today... SO FREAKIN' BORING OMG.

On a lighter note however, the facility guys got the garbage bag from the 9 foot deep garbage can and ripped it open, spilling garbage EVERYWHERE, just so they could get my ring! ♥ Isn't that lovely?

Today was really good for food too! I had:

  • a salad
  • a fruit cup

The next few days I'm worried about how they'll play out because tomorrow I only have one class (Astronomy- 11:30-12:30) and then it's the weekend. I know I'm going to town so I might eat there... RAH I don't like not knowing every little detail! lolol

Anyway, I'm really tired. It's been a busy couple of days! Sorry my blog's so boring haha NO CONFLICT I KNOW. -.-'


I hope you all have lovely dreams tonight! ♪


♥, Mint.

1 comment:

  1. No conflict? I'm entertained :) How WILL you handle that dinner? I'm partly joking, but partly serious. It sounds like you've got kick-ass self-control, so you've probably got great tips on social (non-)eating.
