Monday, September 5, 2011

New Beginning.

Hey lovelies!

So guess where I am right now? My new dorm room!

Technically I moved in yesterday, but I didn't get around to finishing unpacking and settling in until tonight.

It's really awkward sharing a bathroom with someone and being able to hear EVERYTHING that's happening on either side of my walls and outside, but I think I'll manage. Once class starts I'm thinking everyone will quiet down because studying is crucial!

I have exactly three friends lolol -.- but they're nice and it means I'm not alone so I'm happy!

Tomorrow's orientation so I'll finally meet some people who are taking the same classes as me! It's weird how BA's are so popular yet I haven't met ANY yet! >.<
And then after tomorrow it's time for CLASS! Nerve racking of course! 300 people classes... I don't know how that'll go over!

Also I'm signed up for the gym here so once I gain some confidence I can work out all I want! ANDD go to the zumba classes! Another perk is that my dorm building is the furthest away from any of my classes, andddd there's stairs EVERYWHERE, anddddddd it's easier to take the stairs than the elevator which means four flights for me!

The food issue is AWESOME too! Because we all have to use a meal card and wait in a huuuge line up just to get a meal means that it's super easy to skip. Especially if I'm by myself! Who wants to eat alone? NOT ME.

So this is my plan for the moment:

  • Breakfast: skip. OR, a coffee in my room.
  • Lunch: skip. OR, a water in my room, OR a smoothie or salad with a friend.
  • Dinner: salad with a friend.

It's scary not being able to know how they cooked everything in the caff lol I found out the other day that booster juice has like 300 calls per smoothie. That's insane.

Any who, while I've been gone I've been super stressed so I ate, and got hella fat... again. So I'm not weighing myself until I know I'm smaller.

So sorry for failing you all. :(

It's weird how when I'm stressed I eat, and when I'm depressed I don't.
This is a new life though! So there will be no more mistakes! :)

Night! xoxo

♥, Mint.

1 comment:

  1. Welcome back. :) College is awesome - blow them all away!
