Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Ghost- Revised.


So I re-wrote "Ghost." and am thinking of using it for my creative writing class. Nothing gets higher marks than sorrow, am I right? And if anyone reads it please let me know how I can make it better!

I weighed 141.8 this morning and ate nothing. However I'm terrified that I gained. I've been on the scale so many times since and it keeps saying 143.5, 143.5, ONE FORTY THREE POINT FIVE.

Which led to me feeling worthless, selfish, and greedy. Which led me to thinking of how I just want to curl up into a tiny ball until I'm thin, which led me to re-writing "Ghost." lol

However, I did use some of this time to plan my next few meals:

  • tomorrow: fruit bowl that I bought yesterday (about 140 cal at most)
  • thursday: extreme pita (240 cal at most) if I'm in the 130s. If not, nothing.
  • friday: salad at the caff
  • saturday: I'll ride the bus myself to Wal-mart, buy a cucumber, and make a little salad with it and the lettuce I bought yesterday
  • sunday: same thing

Dear God, I hope I didn't gain...

♥, Mint.


  1. That poem is amazing. Truly and deeply haunting. It's beautiful.

  2. You're an amazing writer, and I love the way you've organized your poem.

    Don't be too hard on yourself, scales fluctuate and water weight's a bitch. I think you deserve the pita regardless, and your plan sounds perfect.
