Saturday, September 10, 2011



I'm feeling kind of depressed to day... I miss home.

I miss my mom, and my dog, and my cozy bed... and it's been a week since I got here.

this is going to be a hard year i'm thinking.

Right now I have my teddy bear on my lap and the idea of not eating today in my head; because, if I'm thin I wouldn't be too big to hug, and I wouldn't be too ugly to love.

If I become empty by not eating, the feelings of loneliness will disappear...


Today I'm going to the beach with a friend to do some reading (that's all my life will consist of this year, reading text books) and then I'll come back to the campus and READ SOME MORE.

Then tomorrow I'll read, AGAIN.

Getting out of eating today is simple. My friend doesn't live on res so when I say "Oh, I'm just going to wait 'till I get back on campus so I can use my food card." she won't even question it. And then no one will be monitoring my dinner because I'll be alone, like always.

** tip for not eating crap food: always remember that it won't make you happy. It will for a split second yes, but after you'll feel even worse because you realize what a fat cow you are. ALSO, remember that hunger is a good thing. If you're stomach is growling it means a fairy is in there making you thin, don't drown her. Lastly, you've probably already eaten all of the food you're craving at least once before, right? So you know what it tastes like. Why eat a cheeseburger if you've eaten so many in the past?

Yesterday I ate:

  • fruit cup
  • fruit bowl
  • fruit bar (120)

Too much, too much. I know, I'm greedy as hell. Just another reason for me to fast today! I think I might try to pick up some diet coke when I'm in town today. Caffeine might make me wake up a bit.

Oh, and I'm cutting my meals on campus to 1 a day because they're so fucking expensive here. 10 bucks for a small salad? Ridiculous.

Think thin girls! xoxo

♥, Mint.


  1. Thanks for the tips, they're perfect!

  2. $10 for one salad? What?! It's ironic that fast food is so much cheaper than your meals.

    My year is going to consist of reading books too. Sigh. I love reading but they don't even attempt to make the stuff interesting. x
