Saturday, September 24, 2011

Skinny Love.

Hi there!

So, I'm at 135.8 this morning! Which is what I was hoping for but just barely! >.< Hopefully I'm at 135.0 by tomorrow or close!

Today I didn't do much, read my psych homework, looked at food porn, organized my meals for the next two weeks, and listened to music!

Today was day 17 of my friend Evie's ABC diet! She's doing so awesome! And since today's her second fast day (and because I'm still not 135.0 or less) I fasted with her! :) I'm not planning on eating tomorrow too and that's when I realized that I haven't eaten since Sunday. I just did a week long fast without realizing! haha well, THAT was easy!

my face is feeling thinner... :)

In response to Amaris' comment:

I'm at UBCO getting my BA in psychology! And then my doctoral degree after that :) Very competitive I guess, so I have to study hard! P.s I absolutely love the song you posted on your blog, it's my new favourite! :)

Anyway, that's about it! Think thin ladies! xoxo

♥, Mint.

1 comment:

  1. Great job with fasting! It's so much easier to fast when you aren't trying to. You'll be under 135 in no time. And uneventful days are nice sometimes. No stress and relaxing and getting a few things done.
