Sunday, September 16, 2012

{Insert clever, meaningful title hereee}


Today was interesting.

After breakfast this morning, I thought I had a seed stuck in the back of my teeth. So I got some floss and *POP* out comes a chunk of my tooth.

What the honest fuck?

There's like a gap back there now. And sometimes it hurts when I eat something, but I really don't want to go to the dentist. I don't like the dentist. I don't like needles in my mouth, I don't like being nervous, feeling awkward. And I KNOW that if I go to the dentist, my heart will have those nervous flutters, and I super hate those. Especially when I'm halfway upside down because of the fucking dentist chair.

The plus of the day though is that my work pants are FINALLY a bit looser! Yaaaaaaay! :)

That's definitely the positive reinforcement I've been looking for! Every day, smaller, smaller, smaller...

I'm so excited.

With school I'm super behind still, but whatever I guess... I don't even care right now.

Ughhhhh, life!

- Mint.

1 comment:

  1. I'm sure you know this but you need to suck it up and go to the dentist. Otherwise, stuff might get stuck in the gap. And congrats on your looser pants.
