Tuesday, September 11, 2012



Sorry I haven't posted in a few days, I honestly just haven't gotten around to it until now.

I decided not to make a food diary blog just because I know I wouldn't keep up with it. I'm just keeping a little tally in my head, and making sure that I avoid most carbs. And so far so good! :D

I'm settling back into the feeling of hunger, and it's exciting! Maybe this is it! Maybe I'm back in the game! September is usually a good time for me to start things :)

I haven't been working out like I've been wanting, but I'll get on that too hopefully...

The rest of my courses have come in finally! It's sort of a bitter-sweet feeling, actually. Sweet because I can actually start, and because I don't have to focus only on French :p ; But bitter because OMG I've got a lot of work ahead of me :/

Can I do it? I have to.

I don't want to be a waste of money, and I don't want to be a disappointment to my mother. Anddddd as I work through my courses, and work through each day, I'll be getting smaller and smaller. :)

Everyday, as long as I'm good, I'll get smaller.

So exciting!

I hope you're all well :)

Think thin.



1 comment:

  1. I heart mini mint.
    You're doing so well, just dont be too hard on yourself if at some point your body rebels, just grab the bananas and apples and you'll be fine xxxxx
