Saturday, September 8, 2012

Planning is fun because it's theory.


So here's my plan (are you sick of my plans yet?):

It's basically the same as my other plans but different. 500 calories. I know it's in the binge zone, but it's a number that I feel good about.

But here's the catch, I'm allowed to eat more (extra fruit or bigger dinner than expected) as long as I work it off.

Weekends I'll allow 800 calories because I can't work out with my mom in the house because I wear my shorts and tshirt when I work out and she'd definitely notice lol

I'm also going to make a food log blog to make me motivated to have a good day.

I'll try to have only fruit for breakfast (oatmeal on weekends), sandwich for lunch and cooked or salad veggies for dinner.

I can snack on fruit and carrots or pickles, and drink lots of tea (I'm trying to drink tea now :) ).

Hopefully this works, hopefully I can follow it and get back into the swing of this.

Please please please let this be the golden ticket.


1 comment:

  1. if you find it hard or binge, just let yourself have fruit or vegetables - you can overeat on them and not really gain, so it is much better if you can not 'aim to restrict' as much, and you find yourself restricting more, because it isn't forbidden if you eat extra? do you get what i mean? of course do whatever you feel best doing, heaven knows ive had a ton of kcal limitations myself, i just find from experience when i dont aim for a number, i eat less and binge less- i dont know how it is for you?

    love you xx
