Wednesday, September 26, 2012


I quit my job.

At the end of my shift I wrote them a note saying that I quit.

They keep fucking me over and I've just had it.

I'm going to apply at a vet's office tomorrow (my mom told me that he has like no staff).

I'm sort of freaking out though because this is the second job that I've quit without finishing my two weeks. So I don't have a good rep going on... Oh well. If people hire the idiots I've had to work with, I'm sure to get a job somewhere.

I ate some salad at work (after fasting for 24-hours) because I was freaking out wondering what I should do; whether I should quit or not.

Sooo yeah... I suck at fasting. And I suck at control.

But, I didn't binge. So that's good.

Think thin.




  1. you don't suck at fasting. you're doing great. i'm joining you. diet coke and diet sodas here we come. we're bound to eat every now and then no matter how much we dont want to, okay, so dont be too harsh on yourself? its just your body fighting to be alive, not your willpower fading or anything.

    and you're brave to quit, you know not to take shit, that's good.

    love you little mint, my lovely little teeny tiny mint.


    1. Like persephone said : Brave!

      You have guts my lovely! thats awesome :) I wish I could quit, my boss can be a real bitch some times... Oh wait im self employed... I cant quit myself! wish I could some times! lol
